• Jonnycake Center of Westerly


    Antiques & CollectiblesNon-Profit OrganizationsRetailSocial Service

    About Us

    The mission of the Jonnycake Center of Westerly is to provide a continuum of services in cooperation with other agencies in our service area to assist people through crisis situations & work with each individual to find a path out of dependency toward self-sufficiency.
    Started 1975 in Bradford, in 2007, moved to North End. The relocation from 2,300 sq ft building to over 8,000 sq ft allowed them to grow their existing services & expand their mission in the area of educational programs.
    The number of people asking for food & financial assistance continues to grow. On average they provide food assistance to 150 people more each month than a year ago.
    They network with other agencies throughout the state to provide comprehensive services to their clients. The local communities in Charlestown, Hopkinton, Richmond & Westerly have supported them on their mission to help those neighbors in need. They have enjoyed the support of the business community & many local foundations & organizations.
    The Thrift Store features a large collection of gently used items. New items are put out every day. Daily sales are posted in the Store, local newspapers & Facebook. Donations accepted. Items they cannot accept: tvs, large appliances, furniture ripped and/or stained, mattresses, sofa beds, car seats/highchairs.
    Donations & purchases are very important to them because they support the programs, not only financial but also items from the Shop are given away to clients in need.
    Volunteer opportunities available for all ages! 40 Volunteers needed each month.

    Video Media


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  • Chamber Champions 2025

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