When you join the Ocean Community Chamber of Commerce, you will be entitled to many benefits, marketing opportunities and billboard advertising for members and non-members. This organization is the largest southern Rhode Island chamber of commerce. You may apply to join today, by completing this application form and mailing it back to us or by completing the information online below. There is a one-time-only processing fee for new members, in addition to the annual enrollment fee. Your membership fee is a tax deductible business expense. Also, please email membership@oceanchamber.org a write-up of 175 word about your business and a JPEG of your logo, submit it with your membership application, and upon acceptance by our board of directors, your business will be featured as a new member in an upcoming newsletter! If you are interested in participating in our Gift Certificate Program please download the sign up form and return to us.
Membership Benefits
Benefits In-Depth
Website Benefits & Marketing Opportunities
Billboard Rental Pricing
2025 Event Sponsorship
Gift Certificate Program
32One Media Partnership
JOIN TODAY! application form